Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Is it obvious that Josh is not home tonight?? I've got the season premier of America's Next Top Model on TV, Uncharted TerriTORI all ready to be read during the commercials, and Facebook. It's 815pm, I'm showered, and in bed! Somebody feed me some strawberries!

After a super busy, yet fun day at work, I met up with an incredible young woman by the name of Nichole Yohn. She is 19 years old, and AMAZING! She moved to North Carolina this summer to VOLUNTEER as part of the staff in the Children's ministry of a foursquare church. I'm so proud of the way she is grasping her life by the horns and despite adversity in her life, she sees her life as one full of purpose! Ah, to have had the wisdom she carries when I was 19! :-)

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