The month of October turned out to be quite the crazy month for us! We planned our trip to Texas, which included me leaving my position at Puyallup Pediatric Dentistry, and unfortunately, we are here in Puyallup. The entire trip fell through, and though part of me was REALLY frustrated with the situation, we're here, we're home, and we're getting to focus on ACN, and I have actually been offered a position working for my cardiologist! It is such a blessing, because our whole point in leaving for Texas was to find a way to pay for my pacemaker. So, now it not only looks like I have a job with full benefits, but I'll be working FOR my cardiologist, who will make SURE I get the time off to have the pacemaker "installed" and there will be no out of pocket expense! HALLELUJAH!!!! And, with us not being gone, I got the opportunity to spend a fun afternoon at the pumpkin patch with Lindsey, and Josh and I dressed up and headed up to West Seattle on Halloween for a costume party at Lindsey's! We had a great time, and I still can't believe Josh agreed to dress up!